The Hokkaido Geographical Society

トップ  >  2019年度北海道地理学会秋季学術大会
2019年度 北海道地理学会秋季学術大会のお知らせ(東北地理学会と共催)



1.期  日  2019年9月14日(土)〜15日(日) 

2.会  場  北海学園大学 豊平キャンパス7号館(〒062-8605 札幌市豊平区旭町4-1-40)
         (札幌市営地下鉄 東豊線「学園前」駅、3番出口直結)

3.日  程  9月14日(土) 9:30 〜 16:40 研究発表
     18:00 〜 20:00 懇 親 会
9月15日(日) 9:00 〜 16:30 巡  検
※ 各事項は予定時間であり,発表申込状況により変更の可能性があります。


5.懇 親 会
会  場 北海学園大学生協食堂
会  費 5,000円(学生・院生は2,000円) ※会費は、当日会場でお支払いください

6.巡  検
テ ー マ 「平成30年北海道胆振東部地震の震源地周辺の現状」
コ ー ス JR札幌駅北口 9:00集合 - 札幌市液状化地区 - 厚真町震源地周辺地区 - むかわ町
穂別博物館 - 新千歳空港 – JR札幌駅北口 17:00解散
案 内 者 石丸 聡(北海道総合研究機構地質研究所),山下 克彦(北海道教育大・名誉)
     高橋 伸幸(北海学園大),菊地 達夫(北翔大),金森 正郎(北海道小樽潮陵高)
     仁平 尊明(北海道大)
定 員 40名(申し込み順)
参 加 費 4,000円


(1) 東北地理学会ホームページからの申込


研究発表 8月21日(水)必着
懇 親 会 9月 4日(水)必着 ※会場予約の都合上,できる限り事前にお申し込みください。
巡  検 9月 4日(水)必着

宛  先 郵送:〒980-8578 東北大学理学部地理学教室内 東北地理学会事務局
8.注  意

Announcement of the 2019 Fall Conference of the Hokkaido Geographical Society
(jointly held with the Tohoku Geographical Association)

Applications for presentation, participation to social gatherings and patrols etc. will be from the Tohoku Geographical Association. Please note that Hokkaido Geography Society does not accept applications.

Tohoku Geographical Association Web Site:

1. Date September 14 (Sat)-15 (Sun) 2019

2. Venue Hokkaid Gakuen University, Toyohira Campus Building No. 7 (〒 062-8605 Asahicho, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo City 062-8605)
(Sapporo City Subway Toho Line "Gakuen-mae" station, direct connection to Exit 3)

3. September 14 (Sat)
9:30-16:40 Research Presentation
18:00-20:00 Party

September 15 (Sun)
9:00-16:30 Science Day Trip
※ Each item is scheduled time, and may be changed depending on the status of the presentation application.

4. Research presentation
Oral presenters and lead presenters must be members of the Tohoku Geographical Association or members of the Hokkaido Geographical Society. The oral presentation of the same presenter is limited to one in principle. The presenter must submit the abstract before the competition. Please see the Tohoku Geographical Association website for the preparation procedure and the means of submission.

5. Party
Venue Hokkai Gakuen University Collegiate Cafeteria
Fee 5,000 yen (2,000 yen for students and graduate students)
※ Please pay the fee at the venue on the day

6. Science Day Trip
Theme "The present condition around the epicenter of the Hokkaido Ibiki Tobu Earthquake"

(1) JR Sapporo Station North Exit 9:00
(2) Sapporo City Liquefaction Area
(3) Atsuma Town around the epicenter area
(4) Mukawa Town Hote Museum
(5) New Chitose Airport
(6) JR Sapporo Station North Exit 17:00 Dissolution

Limit the number of people: 40 (in order of application)
Participation fee: 4,000 yen

7. Application method
Application for presentation, participation for social gathering and tour, etc. will be application from the Tohoku Geographical Association. Please note that Hokkaido Geography Society does not accept applications.

(1) Application from the Tohoku Geographical Association website
Please fill out the "Academic Convention Application Form" on the Tohoku Geographical Association website and send it. If it is sent correctly, we will automatically reply to that effect, so please be sure to check. If you can not send correctly, please apply using the following two methods.

(2) E-mail and fax
Please fill in the application form on the academic website and send it to the address below.
Research presentation: August 21 (Wednesday)
Party: September 4 (Wednesday)
※ Please apply in advance for the convenience of the venue reservation as much as possible.
Science Day Trip: September 4 (Wednesday)

Address: Tohoku Geographical Association Office
〒 980-8578 Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University
FAX: 022-711-0593

8. Note
The program will not be mailed.
The program will be released on the website of Tohoku Geographical Association on August 31 (Saturday).
In our society, we do not arrange accommodation. Please make your own reservation.
