The Hokkaido Geographical Society

アーカイブ |
学術大会のおしらせ : 2024 Hokkaido Geographical Society Autum Conference and General Meeting
投稿者 :  投稿日時: 2024-08-30

2024 Hokkaido Geographical Society Autum Conference and General Meeting

Excursion (on foot) "Walking the history and topography of the Anpan Road and its surrounding areas"

Date: Sunday, October 20, 2024, 9:25-11:30, will be held even in light rain

Meeting time: 9:25, Tsukisamu Chuo Station, Toho Subway Line, near Exit 1, ground level

Disbandment: around 11:30, Minamihiragishi Station, Namboku Subway Line

Guide: Satoshi Wada (city walking researcher)

Born in Sapporo in 1972, after graduating from the Faculty of Law at Nihon University, he worked at an advertising agency and as an editor for the local information magazine "O. tone" before going independent. He unravels the history of Sapporo from old maps and old photographs, and disseminates information through magazine serials, YouTube, television and radio programs, and lectures. In 2015, he served as a guide for NHK's "Buratamori". His books include the "Walking the Sapporo Area with Old Maps" series (Ataru Publishing / 2020-). A commemorative lecture is scheduled for November 7, 2024 at the Hokkaido Convention of the National Junior High School Social Studies Education Research Association (Hotel Lifert).

This walking tour will be guided by city walking researcher Wada Tetsu, who will observe and explain the conflict between the former Tsukisamu Village and the former Hiragishi Village, the Anpan Road, and the surrounding terrain (height difference). However, please note that the route is hilly and there is only one rest stop along the way (Tsukisamu Park).

Course (planned): Meet at Tsukisamu Chuo Station on the Toho Subway Line → Former Toyohira Town Hall → Mochizuki Samukawa → Tsukisamu Park → Hitsujigaoka-dori → Former HTB Site → Hiragishi Takadai Park → Disband at Minami Hiragishi Station on the Namboku Subway Line

*The guided location (end time) may change due to circumstances.

Co-hosted by: Sapporo Geography Circle, Hokkaido High School Geography Education Research Society, Hokkaido (Sapporo) Educational Map Research Society

Participation Fee: None

Participation Capacity/Deadline: 20 people by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, October 4th (even if the deadline is reached, the application will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached)

Please click here and apply using the application form.

Contact: Hokkaido Geographical Society Meeting Committee, Tatsuo Kikuchi (Hokusho University)

Email: chiri* (replace * with @)

*2025 Spring Conference Announcement June 28th (Sat) Kaderu 2-7 Morning/Spring Conference
Afternoon/Co-hosted with the Human Geographical Society (special regular meeting) 29th (Sun) Excursion