The Hokkaido Geographical Society

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学術大会のおしらせ : 【後援】写真展「北緯43度線を辿って:多文化都市トロントにおける移民街の情動」
投稿者 :  投稿日時: 2025-02-18

■ 書香の森 企画展示




会期:2025年3月21日(金)〜2025年5月30日(金) 9:00〜17:00





参考 書香の森ウェブサイト

学術大会のおしらせ : 【後援】北海道の山岳研究-日本国内の極域環境変化-
投稿者 :  投稿日時: 2025-02-07




北海道の山岳研究 −日本国内の極域環境変化−

 日時: 2025年3月1日(土)9:20〜17:30
 場所: 北海道大学・地球環境科学研究院講堂

発表者(所属) 発表題目

9:00 開場

第一部 一般研究発表会(会場開催のみ)

9:10 曽根敏雄 前説(発表15分/質疑応答5分)

9:20 渡辺隼生(北大・環境院・修士) 羊蹄山山頂部における地

9:40 猪又雅史(北大・環境院・修士) 登山道浸食の監視に関わるSfM技術の応用

10:00 山口裕志(北大・環境院・修士) 風穴による特異的な環境が植生の多様性に及ぼす影響

10:20 亀田貴雄 (北見工大・教授)

10:40     休憩

11:00 助野実樹郎((株)北海道技術コンサルタント・副技師長)

11:20 渡辺康之(日本鱗翅学会・評議員) 大雪山の高山性昆虫とその辿った道

11:40 中川博之(ノーザン クリフ フロラ研究所)
"北海道産エゾイトイを約100年ぶりに確認する -小泉英雄の軌跡-"

12:00 高橋伸幸(北海学園大学名誉教授) アポイ岳における気温特性

12:25 13:20     昼食(お弁当をご持参ください。)

第二部 招待講演会(ハイブリッド開催)

13:20 石川 守 開会の辞 北大・地球環境・准教授

13:25 曽根敏雄(氷河・雪氷圏環境研究舎) 衰退する大雪山の永久凍土

14:10 佐藤 謙(北海学園大学名誉教授) アポイ岳における高山植物群落の減少と再生策の検討

14:55     休憩

15:05 愛甲哲也(北大・農学研究院・教授) 北海道の山岳地の管理における課題と登山者の協力

15:50     小休憩

15:55 渡辺悌二(北大・地球環境・教授) 登山道研究の過去・現在・未来

16:55 17:00 小休憩

17:00 17:30 総合討論

岩花 剛 閉会の辞






学術大会のおしらせ : Lecture hosted by the Hokkaido Geographical Society
投稿者 :  投稿日時: 2024-10-25

Lecture hosted by the Hokkaido Geographical Society

This society will be hosting a lecture by two foreign researchers on mountain geography and vegetation ecology (in English only) on the following date and time. We look forward to welcoming anyone who is interested.

1. Date and time: Saturday, November 9, 2024, 13:00-15:30

2. Place: 7th Building, Room D31, Hokkai Gakuen University, 13:00 - Sat., Nov. 9th

3. Admission: Free

4. Speakers
Nepal: 50 Years of Climate, Cultural, and Landscape Change Research and Project Implementation
Alton C. Byers (Senior Researcher, Polar and Alpine Institute, University of Colorado)
The Surprising Botany of Nepal's Melting Glaciers
Elizabeth A. Byers (Senior Researcher, West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection)

Speaker profile

Alton C. Byers:
Mountain geographer (alpine ecosystems, climate change, glacial hazards, integrated conservation and development programs) and mountaineer. He received his PhD (1987) from the University of Colorado, where he studied landscape change, soil erosion, and vegetation dynamics in Sagarmatha National Park. In 1990, he became an environmental advisor at the Mountain Institute (TMI). In 2015, he joined the Institute for Polar and Alpine Studies (INSTAAR) at the University of Colorado, Boulder as a senior research associate and faculty member. He has been involved in various research, writing, and teaching projects in the Himalayas, Andes, Appalachia, and Rocky Mountains. In recognition of his work, he has received the Sir Edmund Hillary Mountain Heritage Medal, the American Alpine Club David Brower Nature Conservation Award, and the Association of American Geographers Distinguished Career Award. He is co-editor of the textbook Mountain Geography: Human and Physical Dimensions.

Elizabeth A. Byers:
Works in the Watershed Assessment Division of the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, USA. At the Department of Environmental Protection, he is involved in the development and implementation of an assessment tool that will become law in West Virginia in early 2022. He has conducted research in wetland and alpine vegetation ecology, natural heritage ecology, hydrology, and conservation in the Himalayas, the East African Rift Valley, the Andes, the Rocky Mountains, and the Appalachian Mountains. In 2000, he released the e-book (mobile plant identification guide app) "Wildflowers of Mount Everest" for Apple and Android devices. In addition to ecological research, he is also involved in the "Glacier Lake Risk Assessment and Restoration" project.

学術大会のおしらせ : 2024 Hokkaido Geographical Society Autum Conference and General Meeting
投稿者 :  投稿日時: 2024-08-30

2024 Hokkaido Geographical Society Autum Conference and General Meeting

Excursion (on foot) "Walking the history and topography of the Anpan Road and its surrounding areas"

Date: Sunday, October 20, 2024, 9:25-11:30, will be held even in light rain

Meeting time: 9:25, Tsukisamu Chuo Station, Toho Subway Line, near Exit 1, ground level

Disbandment: around 11:30, Minamihiragishi Station, Namboku Subway Line

Guide: Satoshi Wada (city walking researcher)

Born in Sapporo in 1972, after graduating from the Faculty of Law at Nihon University, he worked at an advertising agency and as an editor for the local information magazine "O. tone" before going independent. He unravels the history of Sapporo from old maps and old photographs, and disseminates information through magazine serials, YouTube, television and radio programs, and lectures. In 2015, he served as a guide for NHK's "Buratamori". His books include the "Walking the Sapporo Area with Old Maps" series (Ataru Publishing / 2020-). A commemorative lecture is scheduled for November 7, 2024 at the Hokkaido Convention of the National Junior High School Social Studies Education Research Association (Hotel Lifert).

This walking tour will be guided by city walking researcher Wada Tetsu, who will observe and explain the conflict between the former Tsukisamu Village and the former Hiragishi Village, the Anpan Road, and the surrounding terrain (height difference). However, please note that the route is hilly and there is only one rest stop along the way (Tsukisamu Park).

Course (planned): Meet at Tsukisamu Chuo Station on the Toho Subway Line → Former Toyohira Town Hall → Mochizuki Samukawa → Tsukisamu Park → Hitsujigaoka-dori → Former HTB Site → Hiragishi Takadai Park → Disband at Minami Hiragishi Station on the Namboku Subway Line

*The guided location (end time) may change due to circumstances.

Co-hosted by: Sapporo Geography Circle, Hokkaido High School Geography Education Research Society, Hokkaido (Sapporo) Educational Map Research Society

Participation Fee: None

Participation Capacity/Deadline: 20 people by 6:00 p.m. on Friday, October 4th (even if the deadline is reached, the application will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached)

Applications are now closed as we have reached capacity.

Contact: Hokkaido Geographical Society Meeting Committee, Tatsuo Kikuchi (Hokusho University)

Email: chiri* (replace * with @)

*2025 Spring Conference Announcement June 28th (Sat) Kaderu 2-7 Morning/Spring Conference
Afternoon/Co-hosted with the Human Geographical Society (special regular meeting) 29th (Sun) Excursion

学術大会のおしらせ : 2024 Hokkaido Geographical Society Spring Conference and General Meeting (2nd notice)
投稿者 :  投稿日時: 2024-06-03

2024年度 北海道地理学会 春季大会および総会のお知らせ(第2報)


Hokkaido Geographical Society 2024 Spring Conference Application for participation (Deadline: June 14th (Friday) 18:00)
* Application for participation (Please click)

日時 2024年6月23日(日)9:30〜17:00

会場 北海学園大学 AV4番教室

形式 ハイブリッド開催

受付(開場):9:30〜 (オンライン入室可 9:45〜)

午前:一般研究発表(10:00〜12:00)発表15分 質疑応答4分 調整1分

10:00〜10:20 札幌市中心部におけるシェアサイクルポートの立地特性:栗城亮大(東京都立大学・学部生)

10:20〜10:40 夕張市における石勝線夕張支線廃止の経緯と利便性の変化:森智浩(東京都立大学)

10:40〜11:00 道内を中心とした交通モビリティ拠点整備の実情とその課題:武田泉(北海道教育大学札幌校)

11:00〜11:20 Mapping Earth Hummocks in the Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan by UAV:Yu MENG (Hokkaido University), Teiji WATANABE (Hokkaido University), Yusuke KOBAYASHI, Ting WANG (Hokkaido University) Yuichi S. HAYAKAWA (Hokkaido University)

11:20〜11:40 UAVマッピングの手法によるナキウサギ生息地の地形的特徴の3次元解析:大雪山国立公園東ヌプカウシヌプリの事例:王婷(北海道大学),渡辺悌二(北海道大学),澤田結基(福山市立大学),早川裕一(北海道大学)

11:40〜12:00 北海道,大雪山国立公園南部地域のエゾナキウサギの行動と公園利用者の関係:渡辺悌二(北海道大学),王婷(北海道大学),澤田結基(福山市立大学),ファティマ・チャウドハリー(北海道大学・院),山本健太(北海道大学・院)

昼休み(12:00〜13:30)オンライン入室可 13:15〜)

午後:一般研究発表(13:30〜14:30)発表15分 質疑応答4分 調整1分

13:30〜13:50 踏圧と接地用具による登山道の変形過程:早川裕一(北大・地球環境科学研究院)・ゴメス クリストファー(神戸大学)・渡辺悌二・王婷(北大・地球環境科学研究院)・小林勇介・猪又雅史・坂井友哉・今川知美(北大・環境科学院)

13:50〜14:10 人流と登山道地形との関係:藻岩山を例に:猪又雅史(北海道大学大学院),早川裕弌(北海道大学)

14:10〜14:30 石狩湾新港地域におけるDC・洋上風力発電誘致の動向:菊地達夫(北翔大学)

講演会(14:45〜16:15)講師紹介5分 講演75分 質疑応答10分


【 問い合わせ先 】
 〒069−8511 江別市文京台23番地 研究室直通 011−387−3957

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